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Navigating Birth as a Couple


Tune into this 2.5hr recorded juicy convo between myself & my husband, Mitchell as we discuss: - Our Journey - delving into each of our births, our personal growth & how we came to freebirth. - Making birth choices as a couple - how we navigated those conversations, communication tools etc. - How we came to know and trust the body's innate birthing wisdom - the betrayal we experienced through the medical system & how that effected our choices through education, reflection & inner work. - A mans place in birth - Mitchell speaks on his own experience/what he found to be useful/how to hold space & how he came to trust birth. - Birthing vows - agreements to be made when approaching the birth altar - Birth as a rite of passage - acknowledging that birth is a rite of passage & speaking on how this is effecting women today. - Healing trauma through birth - healing the motherline, setting the standard for future generations & the ripple effect that choosing to reclaim birth has in the world. - Taking radical responsibility/what that actually is - Dealing with people who are unsupportive of your choice - key words: YOUR CHOICE. - Birth prep - the inner work & important shadow work that needs to be done - Freebirth story. - Q+A answered.

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